Our environmental policy covers all direct and indirect activities affecting the production process. YAMAS Inc. considers the environment and people as a very valuable treasure and is aware that it should be protected in the best way for the future. Within the framework of the opportunities provided by the project budgets, using the material and technology that is most compatible with the Environment and OHS and to provide a better quality of life to the next generations by providing continuous improvement of the environment and OHS in every new project, It is an important part of our company policy. Therefore, Our Environment and OHS Policy contains:
Compliance with Legal and Other Terms
To comply with the expectations of our customers, employees and the society affected by our activities, constantly monitoring and complying with the laws and other requirements for this purpose.
Employee Participation
To increase the sensitivity of our employees by raising their awareness with trainings and to ensure the participation of our employees so that our activities are more successful. To contribute the dissemination of this awareness through our employees.
Effective Use of Natural Resources
Ensuring the efficient use of natural resources by reduction of waste and failed production and saving energy by reducing the use of resources such as electricity, water and fuel.
Prevention of Environmental Pollution and OHS Risks
To avoid harm to the environment and human beings by using the technologies which are least harmful to the environment and human beings as much as possible in new investments and projects, as far as technical, economic and commercial facilities allow and by making improvements to the existing structure to the extent possible. To realize production and integrated management which will give less harm to environment and human being.
Continuous Development
To ensure continuous improvement within the framework of the law and expectations, with the participation of our employees, the effective use of natural resources and the prevention of environmental pollution, to ensure that OHS risks are drawn to an acceptable level YAMAS A.Ş. undertakes to define important environmental and risk dimensions of its operations and to fulfill compliance requirements by defining the relevant objectives and targets while establishing and operating ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System with continuous improvement perspective.